Friday, 8 May 2009

Goodbye Blue Skies

...have you noticed a haziness in the skies even on "clear and sunny" days?...

Chemtrails are real.

After a five-year investigation into chemtrails - including interviews with air traffic controllers (thanks to reporter ST Brendt), scientists actually involved in this project (thanks to reporter Bob Fitrakis), NASA and NOAA atmospheric studies, and corroboration from independent scientific lab tests on rain and snow samples falling through chemtrails (thanks to my Espanola correspondent, and Dave Dickie in Edmonton), I can state emphatically that chemtrails are not contrails. So what exactly are chemtrails?

If you are new to chemtrails, a brief introduction is in order. A professional working journalist for more than 30 years, I first reported on chemtrails for the Environment News Service in the winter of 1997. Since then, thousands of websites have appeared claiming various theories and agendas behind a phenomenon witnessed in the skies over 14 allied nations.


by William Thomas

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