Watch Immanuel Velikovsky: The Bonds of the Past in Educational | View More Free Videos Online at
Velikovsky: The Bonds of the Past is a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation television program written and directed by film maker Henry Zemel, that was first broadcast on February 22, 1972...
..."The Velikovsky film I wrote and directed in 1971 -- Bonds of the Past -- presented Velikovsky's views as he wished them portrayed. At the time, I rationalized the abandonment of my critical faculties by telling myself: "This is the first film in which Velikovsky has a chance to tell his story. Science always has access to the media. Now it's his turn." As a result, the film featured ephemeral evidence gathered in 1969 by the first lunar expedition. Velikovsky had predicted -- "advance claims" he called them -- what the astronauts would find on the Moon. He wished to broadcast that their discoveries would support -- and later supported -- his reconstruction of lunar history."......MORE INFORMATION...
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