Sunday, 26 July 2009

the Healing Praxis - an Introduction

Discover How Easy it is to Walk Away From the Darkness of Chronic Dis-ease and into the Light of Consistent Vibrancy. If You are in Dire Straits Healthwise, Here is Your Solution! Heal yourself of ANYTHING for FREE at HOME.

This was created for the Earnest Truth Seekers out there. You'll find lots of Radical Common Sense here. Diabetes, Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, Arthritis, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, etc. Anything can be reversed! This 7 part video series is packed with a fair bit of controversy, passion, politics, embarrassing personal stories and a whole lot of downright useful (sometimes obscure) information to simplify and demystify healing. This series (approx 10 hours) is my humble contribution to Vibrant Health and World Peace. Enjoy. Heal. Share. Peace. Love. Visit the website for additional information or links. You can also sign up for email notification of any new movies that I may produce or any other wonderful solution-based information that I can pass on to you. I hope to create some movies regarding economic solutions, and who knows what else. Just stuff that all mankind (Kind Man) needs to know to live in a natural state of Vibrant Health, Wealth, Joy and Peace. Happy Healing. May Peace Reign on Earth.

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